First ever California DSA Socialist News Quiz Results

As avid readers of California Red are aware, the December Mini California Red included a first: the annual California DSA Socialist News Quiz, with ten questions based in the past year’s articles.

We are pleased to announce the winners! We have a four-way tie for first place:

  • Ben T (EB)

  • Michael L (EB)

  • Sean T (SF)

  • Monica (SF)

Other contestants who got at least six answers right include Adam H, Michael L and Arun, all from DSA-LA. 

The first place winners will receive the following prizes donated by our generous chapters in East Bay, Los Angeles, Silicon Valley and Inland Empire:

  • Solidarity Forever poster, DSA-LA

  • Labor 101 for Socialists pamphlet, EBDSA

  • Socialism Meow sweatshirts from SV DSA

  • “Some sort of socialist book” from IE DSA

Be sure to watch for the next California DSA Socialist News Quiz. In the meantime, here are the quiz questions and their answers:

Socialist News Quiz Questions & Answers

  1. On what auspicious holiday did the California DSA newsletter, California Red, launch in 2023? [May Day]

  2. What union newsletter praised DSA for its support of their strike through the innovative tool “the Snacklist”? [WGA’s Writers on the Line]

  3. DSA-LA became active in opposing ICE in 2017 for what reason, and who did the chapter rescue from ICE? [LA’s immigrant population; Claudia Rueda]

  4. In battling Robotaxis in San Francisco with traffic cones, who became our temporary allies? [Police, Firefighters, and SF Municipal Transportation Agency]

  5. The Inland Empire and LA chapters got the national DSA Solidarity Fund to donate $2,500 to what striking workers? [Amazon DSP Drivers and dispatchers from Teamsters 396]

  6. In 2023 Fairfax became the smallest district in California to establish what landmark ordinance with the help of Marin DSA? [Rent control]

  7. After a three-day strike in solidarity with SEIU 99 members in March, the United Teachers of Los Angeles (UTLA) won a historic new contract. In addition to reducing class sizes and lowering caseloads for counselors, the contract increased wages across the board by how much over three years? [21%]

  8. Santa Ana Mayor Pro Tem Jesse Lopez beat back an attempted recall with the help of DSA. Which of the following statements are true?

  1. Jesse Lopez was born & raised in Santa Ana.

  1. Jesse Lopez is a member of the Working Families Party.

  1. Jesse Lopez was duly elected in November 2020.

  1. Jesse Lopez cast the deciding vote in favor of maintaining a 3% rent control in Santa Ana, the only city in Orange County with rent control.

  2. Jesse Lopez is up for reelection in 4 years. [E is false

9. East Bay DSA Climate Action Committee canvassed a BART station to gather signatures to ban new oil and gas infrastructure within Contra Costa County and to phase out existing drilling. Which of the following is false?

  1. The Bay Area is home to several refineries.

  1. There is an active oil well in the East Bay.

  1. Canvassers found that many transit riders had no knowledge of drilling in the county.

  1. Canvassers learned that people take action most when that action fits into the existing pattern of their life-activity.

  1. Canvassers learned that people take action when they believe that action has a good chance of changing the world to alleviate a felt pain.

  1. The committee didn’t grow their skills as organizers through planning the canvass. [All except f are true]

  1. DSA-SF and EBDSA protested with other organizations in the No2APEC coalition outside the APEC (Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation) meeting in San Francisco. Which of the following are true?

  1. Demonstrators blocked an entrance to the conference disrupting and slowing down entry to the conference for a substantial number of delegates.

  2. Activists gained several days of media coverage with the message that APEC represents profits for the wealthy, union busting for the workers, and continued climate destruction.

  3. Organizers in movements who travel different paths and often don’t talk with one another forged a coalition (No2APEC) around a program of radical direct action against destructive trade practices in the world economy. 

  4. San Francisco has all of its residents’ needs taken care of, so it was no problem to give $10 million to the federal government for the massive security around the conference. [All but d are true]


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