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Delivering the Goods: A Socialist Day School on Logistics

With 40% of all national imports coming through Los Angeles, the supply chain in Southern California is fundamental to the US economy, and a core component that makes global capitalism function. How do we, as socialists, engage with this fact and how does the supply chain factor into working class struggle?

DSA-LA, Inland Empire DSA, and DSA-Long Beach have collaborated on a regional Day School that focuses on political strategy surrounding the key sites of the logistics chain in Southern California – the Port of Los Angeles/Long Beach, railroads, and warehouse logistics.

This Day School would be an event to bring DSA members across Southern California together, to hear from workers and fellow socialists and discuss how socialists should approach this critical artery in the United States Supply Chain.

The Day School will include sessions such as:

  • Logistics 101: Introduction to the Supply Chain

    1. Public Impact: Environmental and Societal Impacts of the Supply Chain

    2. Labor Organizing in Logistics

Prior to the Day School, we will hold a film screening and kick-off social event at Boomtown Brewery on Friday, September 8th.

Child watch can be made available on request. If you would like to request child watch support, please email the Political Education Committee at​.

Join us in the first socialist regional day school held in Southern California!

August 31

Comms Committee Meeting

September 10

Ecosocialist Working Group Meeting