Upcoming events


CA DSA State Council Meeting

Join California DSA's State Council for our April 2025 deliberative meeting. We will hear organizing updates from local chapters and discuss our Vision for California platform, which will guide our statewide organizing for the years to come.

All DSA members in good standing are welcome to join this meeting, though voting and debate will be reserved for elected delegates. The meeting will feature several California chapters, reports from CA-DSA's State Committee and its issue committees, and deliberation on several key business items.

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Labor 101: Socialism & the Labor Movement — Zoom Series Session 1

We are witnessing a new moment in labor with a wave of strikes. In the East Bay, Oakland teachers, UC grad students, and workers in a drywall factory. Across the U.S., auto workers, Amazon workers, Starbucks workers…

 What’s the relationship between socialists, unions, and the working class?    

East Bay DSA’s Labor Committee is offering a four-session weekly series. This is the first session in the series. 

This series will be on Zoom only! All California DSA members and friends are welcome.

  Topics include:

  • the importance of labor for the socialist project 

  • what unions are and do

  • labor history

  • labor’s challenges under Trump

  • ways to join and support the labor movement

If you are new to socialism and/or looking to learn more about unions and the labor movement, this is for you! 

We are hoping that the Zoom format can mean participation by members of chapters across CA DSA. Some chapters may not have something like this and members there are encouraged to join us.

We’ve tried to organize our materials so that a group leader has some guidelines, a timetable, and notes for each session. If you’d like to try leading a group, attending this would be a great way to start.

We’d also love to have some members of other chapters that already have or are developing something like this to join us. Whether or not you can participate, please look at our materials, give us feedback and send us anything you’ve developed.

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Labor 101: Socialism & the Labor Movement — Zoom Series Session 2

We are witnessing a new moment in labor with a wave of strikes. In the East Bay, Oakland teachers, UC grad students, and workers in a drywall factory. Across the U.S., auto workers, Amazon workers, Starbucks workers…

 What’s the relationship between socialists, unions, and the working class?    

East Bay DSA’s Labor Committee is offering a four-session weekly series. This is the second session in the series. 

This series is on Zoom only! All California DSA members and friends are welcome.

  Topics include:

  • the importance of labor for the socialist project 

  • what unions are and do

  • labor history

  • labor’s challenges under Trump

  • ways to join and support the labor movement

If you are new to socialism and/or looking to learn more about unions and the labor movement, this is for you! 

We are hoping that the Zoom format can mean participation by members of chapters across CA DSA. Some chapters may not have something like this and members there are encouraged to join us.

We’ve tried to organize our materials so that a group leader has some guidelines, a timetable, and notes for each session. If you’d like to try leading a group, attending this would be a great way to start.

We’d also love to have some members of other chapters that already have or are developing something like this to join us. Whether or not you can participate, please look at our materials, give us feedback and send us anything you’ve developed.

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Labor 101: Socialism & the Labor Movement — Zoom Series Session 3

We are witnessing a new moment in labor with a wave of strikes. In the East Bay, Oakland teachers, UC grad students, and workers in a drywall factory. Across the U.S., auto workers, Amazon workers, Starbucks workers…

 What’s the relationship between socialists, unions, and the working class?    

East Bay DSA’s Labor Committee is offering a four-session weekly series. This is the third session in the series. 

This series is on Zoom only! All California DSA members and friends are welcome.

  Topics include:

  • the importance of labor for the socialist project 

  • what unions are and do

  • labor history

  • labor’s challenges under Trump

  • ways to join and support the labor movement

If you are new to socialism and/or looking to learn more about unions and the labor movement, this is for you! 

We are hoping that the Zoom format can mean participation by members of chapters across CA DSA. Some chapters may not have something like this and members there are encouraged to join us.

We’ve tried to organize our materials so that a group leader has some guidelines, a timetable, and notes for each session. If you’d like to try leading a group, attending this would be a great way to start.

We’d also love to have some members of other chapters that already have or are developing something like this to join us. Whether or not you can participate, please look at our materials, give us feedback and send us anything you’ve developed.

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Labor 101: Socialism & the Labor Movement — Zoom Series Session 4

We are witnessing a new moment in labor with a wave of strikes. In the East Bay, Oakland teachers, UC grad students, and workers in a drywall factory. Across the U.S., auto workers, Amazon workers, Starbucks workers…

 What’s the relationship between socialists, unions, and the working class?    

East Bay DSA’s Labor Committee is offering a four-session weekly series. This is the fourth & final session in the series. 

This series is on Zoom only! All California DSA members and friends are welcome.

  Topics include:

  • the importance of labor for the socialist project 

  • what unions are and do

  • labor history

  • labor’s challenges under Trump

  • ways to join and support the labor movement

If you are new to socialism and/or looking to learn more about unions and the labor movement, this is for you! 

We are hoping that the Zoom format can mean participation by members of chapters across CA DSA. Some chapters may not have something like this and members there are encouraged to join us.

We’ve tried to organize our materials so that a group leader has some guidelines, a timetable, and notes for each session. If you’d like to try leading a group, attending this would be a great way to start.

We’d also love to have some members of other chapters that already have or are developing something like this to join us. Whether or not you can participate, please look at our materials, give us feedback and send us anything you’ve developed.

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State Council Meeting

Join us to learn about California DSA’s plans for 2025 and how you can become involved with forming our vision. At this meeting, we’ll be discussing what changes we want to see in California over the next 5-10 years and how we can make that happen together.

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California DSA 101

California DSA 101

Join us to learn about how capitalism got us in this mess and how democratic socialism is the solution. We’ll also discuss California politics, labor history, and how we fight for a better future!

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September State Council Meeting

September State Council Meeting

Join California DSA's State Council for our September 2024 deliberative meeting!

All DSA members in good standing are welcome to join this meeting, though voting and debate will be reserved for elected delegates. The meeting will feature several California chapters, reports from CA-DSA's State Committee and its issue committees, and deliberation on several key business items.

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