CA DSA Ecosocialists busy with buckets of organizing
Dozens of kayaktivists took to the Bay to confront a tanker at Chevron’s refinery in Richmond. (Brooke Anderson)
Ecosocislists continue to organize throughout California DSA chapters. We’re advancing three of our four ‘buckets of ecosocialist work’ right now with Anti-Chevron Month activities and DSA SF’s Ecosocialist Reading Group.
Anti-Chevron organizing
Anti-Chevron organizing—globally and locally—includes our work in both “Palestine Solidarity/Anti War” and our “Decarbonize/Keep the Law” arenas.
Watch the literal launch of Anti-Chevron Month in this clip from the “kayactivist” event during the first weekend in May. Hear East Bay DSA member Alfredo Angulo tell why dozens of Richmond youth & allies took to the water in an impressive, colorful flotilla of kayaks with banners to affirm a world #beyondChevron.
“Palestine Solidarity/Anti War”
Reflecting our anti-colonial, climate protection, pro-Palestinian organizing, we’re sharing this Anti-Chevron month webinar “Chevron’s Global Crimes against Humanity.” Learn about Chevron’s impacts in Palestine, Richmond California, Ecuador, the Philippines and Myanmar directly from organizers. The #BoycottChevron campaign is featured in this webinar, and you can take this info to your chapters to start or support BDS (Boycott, Divest and Sanction) campaigning. Ecosocialist BDS engagement connects us to DSA anti-imperialist projects around the country. Request your “Boycott Chevron” stickers here.
Decarbonize/”Keep the Law”
Our CA DSA Ballot Measure Working Group has recommended endorsements include support for the “Keep the Law” oil & gas well regulation referendum appearing on California’s November ballot. Chevron is a major funder of the opposition to this ballot measure. With their billionaire buddies, they are paying to undo the “buffer zone” legislation won in 2022. Not content with merely polluting working class neighborhoods with toxic operations near schools, parks, hospitals and homes, Chevron is polluting our elections by dumping money into a campaign to overrule democratically-won drilling restrictions. We support the campaign to protect our working class communities and our right to restrict and draw down fossil fuel production in the just transition we need and deserve.
On May 19, Bay Area ecosocialists showed up, spoke, and distributed “Keep the Law” flyers at the Anti-Chevron Community Gathering in Richmond, joining our union allies to bring our “No Drilling Where We’re Living!” message to this intersectional event. We are building power against our common adversary in coalition with anti-imperialist activists focused on Palestine, Ecuador, the Philippines, and Myanmar, as well as with local environmental justice and union organizers in the East Bay.
While only a few of our DSA chapters were within range of this anti-Chevron event, we can all develop Keep the Law campaigns in all our chapters and support the unions and working class communities building the Campaign for a Safe and Healthy California. AND, finally:
Ecosocialist Education
Everyone is welcome to join the DSA San Francisco Ecosocialist Book Club as they study Ashley Dawson’s Environmentalism from Below. Sessions began on May 13.
Want to connect to the CA Ecosocialist Working Group? Contact Bonnie Lockhart.