Need affordable housing? Join the ARCH Campaign
California DSA will take the housing fight to developers and landlords in this November’s election in a priority campaign to pass a slate of pro-tenant housing ballot measures, called the Affordable, Rent-Controlled Housing (ARCH) Campaign.
The three ballot measures, if passed, would provide Justice for Renters by:
funding affordable housing by providing an easier way to pass local housing and infrastructure bond measures; and
removing the voter approval requirement for public low-rent housing projects amendment.
This slate of initiatives represents a unique opportunity to break the stranglehold of capital over our right to housing. With rents too damn high, and continuing to rise, and cities pushing back against affordable housing as developers continue to spend big on elections against pro-rent control candidates, these ballot measures take on extra importance.
Local chapters will be the backbone of this campaign!
CA DSA chapters in California are encouraged to:
Designate a point of contact person
Endorse the campaign’s component measures
Integrate the ARCH campaign into the chapter’s fall electoral strategy, and
Participate in a statewide Weekend of Action
California DSA can make the difference in this statewide campaign, but we need serious involvement from chapters and members throughout the state.
Individual members in California can sign up here and now to help lead the campaign.