September 7th State Council Meeting Recap

On Saturday, September 7th, California DSA State Council held our fall quarterly meeting. To start off the meeting, we heard a report from our Co-chair Paul Z., who highlighted the importance of this statewide coalition not only for the wins of the upcoming election but also for our long-term strategy of building a socialist future. 

We also heard reports from our Communications Committee and the local DSA chapters of Sacramento and San Francisco. David M. from Sacramento talked about the large population of unhoused people and the chapter’s mutual aid efforts during a heat wave that reached temperatures of over 100 degrees. He also highlighted the recent protest for Palestine at the Democratic Party headquarters on the opening day of the Democratic National Convention and their endorsement of Dr. Flo Cofer for Mayor of Sacramento. 

Through a written report, Matt M. from San Francisco spoke about their chapter voting to make the Affordable Rent Control and Housing (ARCH) campaign (California DSA’s first ever statewide campaign) an official subcommittee of their Electoral Board. The chapter is gearing up for a strong ground game in working class districts.

Tough race ahead
One of our keynote speakers, Los Angeles City Council candidate for CD 14 Ysabel Jurado, spoke about the tough race ahead against the incumbent, Kevin De Leon, who is infamous for making racist and homophobic comments on a leaked conversation regarding redistricting. As a tenants’ rights attorney and single mom, Jurado wants to build a “solidarity economy” through, for example, enacting policies that decommodify housing. “I’m running because we need someone with the lived and professional experiences to tackle our most pressing challenges and share the same values that we all have on this call…to work towards the radical future that we’re trying to see,” she said. DSA LA has endorsed her candidacy. 

Our other keynote speaker, Berkeley City Councilmember for CD 7 Cecilia Lunaparra, highlighted the importance of young people having representation in city government. “The district is 95% students. The median age is 19, and we are the most progressive district in the city…My energy goes into making sure students and a more diverse group of people in Berkeley get to make sure that…their issues are at the forefront of the decision making process in the city,” she said. Lunaparra won her election earlier this year with help from East Bay DSA’s endorsement. Out of nine members, she is the only socialist city councilmember. Thanks to her and her allies, Berkeley city council passed one of the strongest demolition ordinances in the country.  Lunaparra strategizes regularly with the East Bay DSA chapter.

You can watch the full remarks here

Statewide Day of Action for ARCH campaign
Michael L., State Committee member and liaison to the ARCH campaign, presented on the history and current state of housing and the need for rent control in California. This analysis led to discussion about the two propositions the campaign is supporting this November: Prop 5 and Prop 33. Michael also announced that we will have a statewide day of action for the ARCH campaign on Saturday, October 5th. To learn more about the propositions and how you can get involved, visit our website,

Nickan F., Co-chair of California DSA, led a vibrant discussion on California DSA’s voter guide. This year, the voter guide working group will be focusing on fifteen races as well as ten ballot measures across the state. The group will have the guide ready by early October, around the time when ballots drop.  

We are looking to start up our California DSA 101 sessions again, so be on the lookout for that notification if you would like to learn more about what our statewide organization is doing to build working class power. 

Jules Y

Jules Y. is California DSA Secretary


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