Socialism on a Living Planet

A report from the California DSA Eco-socialist Working Group

California DSA eco-socialists gathered in January at our quarterly meeting to share current chapter projects and to explore possibilities for state-wide campaigns. 

We looked into four buckets of eco-socialist work, did some Mentimeter surveying to determine interest, and broke into small groups to discuss:

  • Building for Power
    Several chapters have public transit projects coordinating with DSA’s campaign for labor & community organizing for green union jobs. We urge all comrades to check out the Building for Power campaign training videos

As always, we invite all DSA members in California to join us. You don’t need to be a California DSA delegate. Our next meeting will be in April. Date and more details will be on the California DSA calendar

Bonnie Lockhart and Tyler Brown

Bonnie Lockhart is a member of EBDSA and Tyler Brown is a member of DSA SF


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