“#Stop Fueling Genocide” Campaign Launched by DSA International Committee
East Bay DSAers at the rally outside Chevron’s refinery in Richmond last February.
Who ranks high among California’s most-profitable corporations? With some stiff competition, Chevron comes in third on this dishonor role. And while two Big Tech companies who outrank our home-state oil ogre do plenty of damage around the world, Chevron may well take the highest rank in global ecocide and environmental racism.
Register for the launch
Right now, living in a time of genocide, DSA is targeting Chevron, Israel’s largest natural gas supplier. Israeli apartheid depends on Chevron. Our National DSA’s International Committee will launch the “#Stop Fueling Genocide” campaign on September 23rd at 6 PM PT. You can register for this online event here.
You’ll hear former Richmond City Council and EBDSA member Jovanka Beckles speak with authority about building power to fight Chevron. Also speaking will be Steven Donziger, long-time defender of Ecuador’s indigenous people against Chevron’s crimes; Olivia Katbi, organizer with the BDS Movement’s Boycott Chevron campaign; and our Houston DSA comrades who’ll share their inspiring Week of Action work in our fellow petro-state.
Well-positioned to make a contribution
With two giant refineries here in California, a growing Pro-Palestine movement, and ecosocialists in most of our chapters, California’s DSA members are well positioned to make an important contribution to this Stop Fueling Genocide Campaign. As socialists, we’re acutely aware of Audre Lorde’s oft-quoted truth: “There is no such thing as a single-issue struggle because we do not live single-issue lives.” The struggle against Chevron is a struggle against genocide in Gaza, and it is also a struggle against brutal environmental racism at home and around the globe. It is a struggle against ruling class capture of democracy here in California and around the world. It is a struggle to prevent ecocide—inevitably a struggle against capitalism.
Interested in bringing this campaign to your chapter? DSA’s Campaign Plan offers a wealth of information. And be sure to check out the Launch linked above. Let’s help each other develop and coordinate this throughout our California chapters. Please join our October CA Ecosocialist Working Group Zoom Meeting. Contact me for the date and time. Let’s stop fueling genocide and build power for the beautiful future we imagine and deserve!